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UGV Platform - Premiers tests de la version XL

Fin janvier 2021, je vous présentais le premier prototype de mon projet perso "UGV Platform" en action. (UGV Platform - Prototype 200407)

Voici en avant-première les premiers tests du deuxième prototype. Cette fois-ci, on change d'échelle… 😉

Store Guid as BINARY(16) in MySQL with NHibernate

Why use BINARY type to store a GUID ?

GUID is a 128-bit (16 bytes) integer number. 

In its canonical textual representation, GUID are represented as 32 hexadecimal digits, displayed in five groups separated by hyphens, in the form 8-4-4-4-12 for a total of 36 characters (32 hexadecimal characters and 4 hyphens).

For example: 79d266c1-ca54-4bc9-9b0e-4a988fa1b1dc

Extract metadata and links from HTML page using HtmlAgilityPack
In this tutorial, i will show you how to extract metadata and links from HTML page using HtmlAgilityPack
Export short messages conversation to DocX document
Some classes to generate DocX document with DocX lib
Integrate Firebase Cloud Messaging in your .Net Application
Some classes to integrate Firebase Cloud Messaging in your .Net Application
Extension methods around DataRecord (DbNull and column name support)
Extension methods around DataRecord for DbNull and column name support
Handle MySQL data types with FluentMigrator
Extension methods to handle MySQL data types with FluentMigrator
Handle MySQL data types with NHibernate mapping by code
Some extension methods to handle MySQL data types with NHibernate mapping by code
Improve NHibernate QueryOver with Restrictions and ICriterion
You will discover one of the techniques to centralize and produce more comprehensive code around NHibernate QueryOver.
Improve NHibernate QueryOver with extension methods
You will discover one of the techniques to centralize and produce more comprehensive code around NHibernate QueryOver.
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